The monkey is a commonly known as. Primates in many animals we call monkey. Primates are the class Mammalia 1 head. Animalia most higher taxa, the brain developed towards the front; orbit, orbital spacing narrow; the hand and foot toe (HSI) separately, the thumb is flexible, the majority can and other toe (HSI) to hold. Including the suborder Prosimii and anthropoidea. Prosimii face like fox; no cheek pouches and gluteal callosity; short forelimbs from the hind, the thumb and the big toe developed, with other finger ( toe) relative; tail should not curl or absent.猴是一个俗称。灵长目中很多动物我们都称之为猴。灵长目是哺乳纲的1目。动物界最高等的类群,大脑发达;眼眶朝向前方,眶间距窄;手和脚的趾(指)分开,大拇指灵活,多数能与其他趾(指)对握。包括原猴亚目和猿猴亚目。原猴亚目颜面似狐;无颊囊和臀胼胝;前肢短于后肢,拇指与大趾发达,能与其他指(趾)相对;尾不能卷曲或缺如。